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“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” - Philip K. Dick (1928 - 1982)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pizza Eating Day

It was a promise I made them before leaving the office since I left two days before my 25th birthday. “I’ll be back in a jiffy!” I said and what I really meant was that I’ll be back in a few weeks or two. I was supposed to return 1st week of August but my colleague, my housemate and my friend already had the intention of following me by Friday so I was left with neither a choice but to pursue this get together schedule of ours.

with colleagues from SPi getting ready to be fired-up by that super meaty pizza...

It was total fun but quite depressing too never knowing if this time will be passing us again. I always had in mind and had been preparing myself for events alike. This might be our last time together, happy and complete. It always were. No matter where I go… It always were. My grade school pals, my high school friends, my first job comrades… I can’t even remember the last time we’re together except for those in college. I don’t have any idea what the differences are between those people mentioned above but it’s rather melancholic just thinking about those people who have ‘somehow’ touched your life and became part of your chronic adventures pursuing your dream that they will slowly fade away into your memoria and their influences slowly die out. I already accepted these somewhat perplexing facts of life. I comprehend that I will again someday, somewhere meet new people, laugh with these new people, care for these new people which will interchange those people you already left behind due to unexpected circumstances. I can never deny this irony.

shutter playing while waiting to be served at Chef d' Angelo...

Fireworks in action. Hehe got carried away editing those fireworks in the background though... halata ba? XD

I just hope this will not be our last time together and I am positive it is not. Although it’s quite refreshing meeting someone new.

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