I went visiting an old friend with her cute two-and-a-half yearold daughter, my goddaughter (ohhh I feel like I’m getting older hearing that word…) yesterday with my best pals. Our group sure is strong, even after three years none of us changed at all. I was so tired because of what happened back in the office that in the middle of our loud conversation I fell asleep. Sorry about that guys… I was just tremendously exhausted. Anyway, time really flies. We could not believe ourselves that it has already been three years and felt time already left us behind. Although it’s not that hard to catch up, there’s always an express train available to catch it but the thing is… in those three years a lot could have happened which can weaken our friendship, totally without communcation towards some of them but just seeing their faces we altogether shifted back on how we were in college. Finally, I was simply happy. I have nothing in mind and nothing complex to think about. I was just there updating myself with their experiences and how they lived in those three years without casually hanging out together.

We talked almost everything about ourselves. The pain, the sadness, the happiness, the frustrations, the goals, the dreams, the plans and I can’t ask for more but it was totally refreshing chatting with them again. I just realized, they always hold this special place in my heart that would simply make me smile. They’re one of those groups that I could be what I am without pretending and without careful thinking if I should join their coversation or not. I was just me.
Well, I hope we can do this again some other time, I’m pretty sure we can… ^_^
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