once you open the source code you’ll see this -

Changing the URL will absolutely help you with the help of the image above…
let’s try to check the image:
1st step would be changing the URL to http://www.deathball.net/notpron/twentyone/blue.jpg then it’ll give you this image:

2nd step would be changing the URL again to http://www.deathball.net/notpron/twentyone/green.jpg then again it’ll give you this image:

Changing the corresponding filename and extension will give you the rest of the puzzle pieces… and then putting them altogether will reveal the username and the password.
I was totally getting headaches beating this level because of the neon colors though after experimenting and excluding 2 colors I finally had the answer and I’ll show you how I did it…

...and from the image I made above will show you that the username would be getting and the password would be further… Well, on to the next level… ^_^
Play notpron HERE
WOW! i spent 2 days trying everything i could think. I found all the files an all. made little paper overlayes to atch which letters appeard in the boxes...which gives alot of letters. Kudos
http://notpron.org/notpron/twentytwo/again.htm ...
and... WHOA!!!
''getting'' ''further'' is wrong. Does this level got changed?
new password is : getting smarter
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