We have the title of the URL as the first hint - numbers, text, fonts and stuff…

Don’t mind the numbers and stuff and you’ll get it. Moreover if you’re really a text font style aficionado you’ll get this really quickly. As you can see from the image above disregarding the numbers and using the WINDINGS font syle will get you the answers…

So you’ll get "really unfair"… Username would be really and password would be unfair. Come to think of it this stage is quite unfair. It’s way easy but we never guessed it right from the very start that it’s all about the Windings font style. (at least for the most of us) -_-
Play notpron HERE
it's so easy that it's hard >,<
When you change the .php in the url to .htm it says "It changed to something.php Solve 19 again and then go to the right level 20".
I think it`s just to fuck with you
i just googled 'don't mind the lead/pb' and got to this!
/a fun read)/
my webdings havent the same symbols!!!!
im upset
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