This level is totally time consuming. The title of the URL has nothing to do with this level. If you view the source code then you’ll have an idea what to do. Being familiar with beating the previous levels will give you an idea on your next move like changing the URL and extension file… but before we proceed, let’s try to check the source code:
once you open the source code you’ll see this -

Changing the URL will absolutely help you with the help of the image above…
let’s try to check the image:
1st step would be changing the URL to then it’ll give you this image:

2nd step would be changing the URL again to then again it’ll give you this image:

Changing the corresponding filename and extension will give you the rest of the puzzle pieces… and then putting them altogether will reveal the username and the password.
I was totally getting headaches beating this level because of the neon colors though after experimenting and excluding 2 colors I finally had the answer and I’ll show you how I did it…

...and from the image I made above will show you that the username would be getting and the password would be further… Well, on to the next level… ^_^
Play notpron