*bgsound src="../stuff/mus1.mp3" loop="infinite"
weird code
*bg sound src="../stuff/mus2.mp3"
and another clue is "water became wine" and also "JAY should PACK his stuff", means that his mp3 file might have been corrupted... so in return we tried to copy the weird unfamilar code to the URL:
and this will prompt you to download something... Try to download the file (no need to worry this is virus free) and then once you download the file try to play it.
Why doesn't the file PLAY on any media player, obviously if you notice the file size it's only about 20.7 KB so what kind of music file is it if it only has 20.7 KB and then you will realize the phrase "water became wine". And yes you're right it must have been an image and not mp3. So all you need to do is right click on the file and then click on properties and then change the "open with" to "windows picture and fax viewer" or any image program and this message will appear:

and yes all you need to do is enter the following on the loop hole to proceed to the next level...
Play notpron HERE
I tried opening the site with the weird music bit in it and I never got prompted to download a file. Grr. I did get the site that has a media player which can't play the file.
Of course it was an image file. JAY PACK is meant to sound like .jpeg
I can't get it to "open" with anything (on a Mac and right clicking) to prompt me for your hint. So I tried to change the extension in the URL from .mp3 to .jpg and I got a new white screen with message that says, "Lol No. But you are soooo close. you need to rename the file rather than accessing a new one." I am NOT internet / tech / computer savvy in the way this "game" requires whatsoever. This is totally beyond me, but I read about it on MSN and thought I'd see how far I could get with the hints and see if I could solve any levels on my own or figure it out after a few hint levels.
yeah this riddle is a little dated with todays modern browsers and all. I used the terminal on my Mac to download the file and change the extension. Issue the following command in the terminal to proceed.
curl http://www.deathball.net/notpron/stuff/mus2.mp3 -o ~/Desktop/mus2.jpg
that will save the image on your desktop
Thank you! I found another web site with the solution, but they didn't explain how they got there, and I hate just using a puzzle solution without understanding it. It feels like I'm cheating even more, you know?
mm help please i have the image but i don't know where i can write name and password
click on 'luv2music' at the source code
NOTE:DON'T TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this game is awesome)
one of the most logical online riddles available
btw, when you change pic's name from screen8a.jpg to screen8b.jpg you get an egg saying 'looking for pr0n here?' which you'll remember again in lvl 18)
Very informative post ! There is a lot of information here that can help any business get started with a successful social networking campaign !
আলোতে আলোতে ঢাকা
সবাই চুপ লিরিক্স
নিটোল পায়ে লিরিক্স
এই মন লিরিক্স
Os fila duna prostituta q tão veno essa porra pode Pará desgraça, comi suas mãe, tirem as suas tia lá de casa aqueles butijão, galinha depenada, vaca leiteira
i put in name: inverted password: levelten like 800 times and it has yet to work. i went through all of the steps and I've used multiple different computers and I can't get through
The password actually changed!!! It's 'tenthlevel' now
Also, If you cannot download the fie on your computer, try downloading it on your phone nad sending it to yourself :)
Theres a shorter way...right click on Google chrome, click ''save as'' the file will be mus2 so name that mus2.jpg and it tells you
Click on the circle of the guitar
whats the password and username(updated)
No idea, it no longer works
OH, it's tenthlevel now... they've changed some passwords to make it harder throughout the years
whats the password and the username
They changed the password but the username is the same. The new pass is : tenthlevel
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