Okay so we have those hints like "lucy not in the sky" the number "13" and on its URL it says "after death". Hmmm so what do you notice from the hints? And also we have in the source code:
img src="screen13.jpg" border="0" usemap="no" br
font size="5" no maths /font
!-- he's been a bad boy --
Note: (<,>) symbols have been removed for the system is reading it as HTML code.
No maths and he's been a bad boy... You also can see pop-ups 2of 5, x of 5, 3 of 5.. etc. Yes that's a hint as well... So basically username has 5 letters... And before that, I thought I would change something on the URL...
but this page tells me: no evil, lucifer is dead...
so we already have the username, you can see it on the picture itself... You'll see there letters d, e, v, i, l so the username would be devil and the password... Hmm, what does "lucy not in the sky means?" so Lucy might be Lucifer, sky is the heaven so Lucy not in the sky so he must be in hell and there you have it...
Username: devil
Password: hell
Play notpron HERE
Haha nice work. Also, when you click on the clock, it says "i live there requires a password" which is subliminally tell us that the devil lives in hell... Get me?
And the 2of5, 3of5 are the positions of the letters in the word devil
i don't see 'i live there requires a password'(
i guessed 'hell' from the url: ps/afterdeath
the devil theme can't imply heaven here)
btw, i don't get why there're numbers 4 and 10 on the pic //4+10=14?//
the ring may refer to the 10th level, but the clock can't refer to lvl 4
oh, and someone said in #13 thread on the official forum 'I love the easter egg for those people who are "horribly uncreative"
Gave me a good laugh XD'
i wish i found that)
10'th ring of Dante's inferno is centre of hell.
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