We don't have much of a clue other than the numbers we can collect from the source code: 639853835. Obviously having a picture of an old celphone there tells you that this has something to do with the puzzle. Check on the keypad of your celphone and try to write down the letters to the corresponding number we have collected from the source code.
6 - mno
3 - def
9 - wxyz
8 - tuv
5 - jkl
3 - def
8 - tuv
3 - def
5 - jkl
Forming sensible phrases out of the following information above would get you to "nextlevel" so all you need to do is change the url to:
Play notpron HERE
aww:( i went till 31st puzzle in notpron :( and without ure solutions i wouldn't even knew where to look >.< where is the rest?:(
i used http://phonespell.org/
its faster)
If you change the URL to phone.htm, you'll be confuse. That's why I spend a week to solve this easy level ._.
..phone.htm is an egg page from level 22
Its xylophone, if you are looking for a newer version
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